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About me

I am so glad that you are here! 

I am a 22 year old senior nursing student at Villanova University (Go Cats!).  I LOVE babies- my friends call me "babylover" as this was my webkinz screen name. Yea, Micheal Scott from the office copied ME with LittleKidLover, okay?! Something about their innocence is just so inspiring... they have their whole lives ahead of them and can be whoever they want, so why shouldn't we?! I am so excited because I am going to start my career as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville come October!

I suffered with Anorexia for about a year, and disordered eating for two.  I saw countless therapists and nutritionists who tried to help me recover, but it was not until I decided to choose recovery for myself that I made any progress. "I hit rock bottom and used it as a foundation to build the rest of my life." It was a rocky road, but one that I am so unbelievably grateful for taking.

I am now the happiest I have ever been in my life- even happier than I was BEFORE disordered eating snuck its way in.  After being in the dark for so long, you learn to appreciate the light so much more. I am hoping to share this newfound love and passion for life with you all, as because life is too short to be anything but insanely happy. 

I believe food is fuel- it allows you to live life and have all the energy to do the things you love: working out, walking around downtown, laughing with your friends, exploring nature. But it is also SO MUCH MORE than fuel.  It is the freedom to be able to leave your house and not worry about what morsel or calorie will pass your lips, but be able to spend time with friends and create memories around a glass of wine, an ice cream cone, or a plate of tacos.

A few things I love, in no particular order:

-BABIES. We covered this Steph, stop being weird


-Spending time outdoors, whether it be hiking, camping, walking, or just sitting on a bench reading a good book or thinking about life

-Cooking and baking for loved ones. My favorite foods are nut butter, sweet potatoes, avocado, eggs, ice cream, greek yogurt, pasta, and homemade pizza!

-My little sister and best friend, the person who has always been there and I know will never leave


-Singing horribly at the top of my lungs and dancing like a complete fool

- Me time

-My guardian angel and Grandpa who taught me how to live life to the absolute fullest and the meaning of having a heart of gold.  Cancer took him last July, but I know he is with me every day.

-reading! I love being transported to another world and become completely absorbed in another life, even if only for a few hundred pages



Thank you for following along on my journey! I wish you a life overflowing with sunshine, a stomach full of  sweet potatoes and ice cream, and a mind free of guilt.




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